Attendance Policies

If your child is absent, please call (209) 331-7370 for English and (209) 331-7371 for Spanish and provide the following information:

  1. Student's name (last name first)
  2. Teacher's name and/or room number
  3. Reason for absence (illness, family emergency, medical appointments, etc.)
  4. Caller's name and caller's relationship to student (parent, guardian, etc.)

If you do not clear your child's absence, your child's absence will be considered unexcused.

If your child has been ill or running a fever the night before a school day, please do not send your child to school until his or her temperature has been normal for at least 24 hours.  A note should accompany your child upon returning to school, or you should call Maggie Sauseda (secretary) at Live Oak Elementary School.

When requesting homework, please make your request before 8:30 AM. You may pick up homework between 2:15 and 3:15 PM in the office.